Reviews written by andrew-young
The colour is amber with hints of green around the edges. Looks like it has some age to it, which is perfectly fine. It smells dark and purfumey. Trinity is...
The absinthe is clear with no sediment or haze. Barest tinge of straw, only detectable against white computer paper. The aroma is wormwood-heavy, with anise beneath. Fruity, round. ...
The colour is clear peridot, very nice. There's a big, minty wormwood aroma with sweet anise underneath. Powdery and earthy. The louche is very weak. Nice blue-green...
Batch 30. Before water the absinthe is bright, clear peridot. Ideal. The aroma first reminds me of cologne, but with some lemon undertones. Fruity with anise and...
The absinthe is perfectly clear, with no colour, haze or debris. The aroma is floral wormwood and anise. La bleue-like. A tad minty. Quick louche, but...
Before water the absinthe is a vibrant, mossy green. Foresty. The aroma is rounded, honeyed. Anise is the only discernable herb. Purfumey. The louche is a tad...
Before water the colour is clear olivine. It's natural and attractive. The aroma has a spicy kick, very similar to chili peppers. Sweet, a bit pungeant and nose-burning. Fruity. Anise...
In the glass it's pale straw, maybe a hint of green. Clear with no haze, but could stand to have more depth. It smells fruity and grassy. Classic absinthe character...
The absinthe is perfeclty clear with no discolouration and no debris or haze. It's the best a blanche can achieve. Before water the aroma is primarily bright, strong...
The absinthe pours lucent gold with a hint of green. There's some sediment, but it's otherwise clear. It has a wormwood-forward aroma, very floral. Citrus, mint, and oak notes. Quite...
The colour is ideal peridot with a very slight haze. It's natural and extremely attractive. Before water the aroma is dominated by alcoholic heat and anise. There's...
Before adding water the colour is perfectly clear with no debris or tint. The aroma is dominated by floral wormwood. There is a mild heat with a slight shade of...
The blanche is not quite clear in colour; it has a slight cream or yellow tint. In addition it has a lot of floaties. Why would a blanche have sediment?...
The colour is a deep, artificial green. It's attractive but definitely not natural. The aroma is very spicy. There's lots of star anise, but there's also oregano, mint, and citrus....
It's a pale, grassy green. Whether it's natural or not is not easily discernable. The aroma mostly makes me think of dill with some floral notes. Good bit of heat,...
This liqueur is a thick, syrupy neon green. It smells of artificial licorice, root beer, and cola, with some spiciness that is reminiscent of cinnamon flavoured candy. It louches overly...
Perfectly clear like water. The aroma is strong floral wormwood, a little chalky. Very light anise profile. The louche is attractive but pretty thin. After water the...
6/10/11 Revisit Since Walton Waters has noticeably improved after sitting in the bottle for two years I wanted to see what had happened with Meadow of Love....
6/10/11 Revisit Over the couple of years since I was so generously gifted this bottle I have noticed some changes in it so I think it deserves...
Pours a golden olive that I find very attractive. Per the ratings guideline it doesn't rank a 4 because it's not bright. But it's not "unremarkable" as a 3 indicates;...