First tasted, 12-26-18 - New Review 12-26-22 - Bought from Ulrich Hoss Appearance - beautiful emerald hue, no visible sediment ...
First release bottle - bought online from I believe. Reviewed 1-10-2023 Appearance - Olive Oil and straw. No visible sediment. Louche -...
Appearance - clear, clean, olive oil hue. No sediment. Louche - attractive with a nice build. Yellows and greens. Opaque but not quite opalescent. ...
Reviewed 12-26-22 - Bought from SAQ Appearance - Straw with hints of green; no sediment Louche - Nice green louche. Hints of white and yellow....
Reviewed 11/21/21 - Bought from Whisky Exchange (TikTok review also published) Appearance - fuille morte. No visible sediment. Aroma - gentiane, rooty, kind of 'muddy'....
Reviewed 9-27-22 - Bought from Absinthe-Dealer Appearance - Gorgeous peridot green. Bright and inviting. Louche - Wow! Very nice. Great opalescence with greens,...
Reviewed 12/2020 - Bought from SAQ Appearance - Clear, bright and inviting. No hues or sediment. Louche - very nice louche, fully formed at 2.5:1....
Reviewed 7-2-22 - Bought from Saar Appearance - clear and bright with a tinge of blue, no sediment Louche - opalescent and attractive Aroma...
Reviewed on 9/27/2022 - Bought from Absinthe-Dealer dot eu Appearance - Appealing fuille morte (a brownish shade due to chlorophyll breaking down), not visible sediment Louche...
<div>Initial Review - 4/30/21 (See TikTok video as well) Appearance - clear and bright, no visible sediment Louche - nice, quick build but ends slightly thin at 3:1. Could use...
Initial tasting - 12/21/22 Bought from Alandia. I tasted this absinthe both at 3:1 and 4:1. This absinthe is too delicate for 4:1. It kind...
Appearance: the good news is that the color is a good approximation of a true absinthe. The bad news is that it's artificially colored. ...
Pours a very emerald green. Louches nicely, with a nice layering effect if you go slowly, before the whole drink becomes a nice greyish cloud (with subtle blues and yellow...
In my glass, the green color is very transparent. It's like faintly colored water. The green that I can see is that typical jade-like green you see in all the...
Appearance: clear and bright. No tint, no sediment. Very nice. The bottle is also understatedly classy. Louche: attractive build; fully louched at 2:1 with...
the appearance is just fine. kind of a yellowed green. very natural looking. louche- perfect, to my eye. i like the way it looks while it's louching, one of...
Took a gamble on this one since there were no reviews on it and very little info online. At first it seemed plain (flavor), average, or even mediocre, but after...
Appearance is crystal clear. I see no sediment or discoloration up close. Louche- takes a while to start up but then it quickly becomes louched, without much of a...
Color- Somewhere between an olive green and a golden brown. It can look just kind of brownish in the bottle, from across the room, but when you actually pour it...
I don't really like having to rate the appearance of absinthe in general but especially blanche. It's clear. What more is there to say? The louche is pretty bad....