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It's not a verte. The coloring step was a waste of time and energy. It comes out as a dingy blanche both pre and post louched.
There is a solid louche and I thought it might have promise as a blanche.
The aroma is a light anise with a hint of wormwood, not unpleasant but simple.
It could be a refreshing blanche on a hot summer day but the wormwood is not a pleasant flavor but just bitter.
The finish is the lingering bitterness.
A lightly flavored absinthe could be an excellent niche absinthe for the new market and Trillium does have promise. Either color it or not. The wormwood is the most unpleasant aspect of Trillium, bitterness without flavor. Neither of these complaints are insurmountable, in fact they could easily change a mediocre offering into a very desirable and refreshing absinthe.
Louche: I was happy with the louche. The layering is very pronounced. I think, due to the lightness of this absinthe, there may have been some tweaking to add this amount of louching.
Aroma: Not much there. Just a little anise, but it's so light.
Flavor: Unremarkable is the best I can say. It's so light, that after the tongue is numbed, it's almost like you're drinking flavored water.
Finish: The bitterness in the finish isn't as enjoyable as a well made absinthe should be. It's more astringent and acrid.
Overall: They really need to do some overhauling of the recipe if they want to make this competitive in the absinthe community. I hope they do, because the presentation creates a high expectation that isn't delivered upon.