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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lectus arcu bibendum at varius. Ut porttitor leo a diam. Penatibus et magnis dis. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
Louche: Very slow to louche, but finishes nicely. Opaque with hints of blue and even some yellow.
Aroma: Crisp wormwood and sweet anise with just a touch of alcohol heat.
Flavor: Spicy with a bit of heat at 3:1. Anice and wormwood balance out nicely. Nothing really stands out though. I'm left a bit disappointed with the lack of complexity.
Finish: Wormwood and light anise. The spiciness lingers, but not much flavor.
Overall, it's a decent blanche. While I'd wish it success, the US has a bit of a 'blanche glut', so I don't see many people being intrigued enough to buy a bottle unless they add it to an order they are already placing. There's not really anything to complain about with it, but there's not much to praise either.
The absinthe is perfeclty clear with no discolouration and no debris or haze. It's the best a blanche can achieve. Before water the aroma is primarily bright, strong anise. It's a little grapey with a hint of wormwood. I don't think it has a grape base but some of those notes are being mimicked by something.
The louche is slow and a bit thin. With water it picks up a barely noticeable pale straw colour, but still smells of almost pure green anise. Wormwood sits well underneath. Actually reminds me of ouzo.
Tasting it, the overwhelming character is still anise, but there's finally some floral wormwood peeking through, as well as a slight fruitiness. Crisp and refreshing, but neither complex nor compelling.
The finish is a surprising hint of bitterness which seems daring compared to everything experienced so far, but is otherwise brief and flat.
This may actually be the least exciting absinthe I've ever had. There's no character or creativity whatsoever, but neither are there any flaws I can detect. It's just very okay.