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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lectus arcu bibendum at varius. Ut porttitor leo a diam. Penatibus et magnis dis. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
The colour is avery deep, dark olive, almost brown. Clean and clear. It's very sweet-smelling, more fruity and spicy than herbal, a bit like spiced rum. Anise is present but isn't very strong.
The louche is quick, nice, and full without overkill. Very good fuille morte colour. Opalescent caramel with hints of green. With water it smells much more honeylike and mellow. Anise and floral wormwood, but dark. Butterscotch and raisins.
The flavour is floral wormwood upfront, followed by a juicy fruit flavour. Anise is in good balance. Spicy and vegetal, but also confectionary and sweet. Light lemon. Sort of a ringing flavour if that makes any sense.
The finish is fruity and creamy, a bit numbing but not too bad. Spicy and gardeny, less dark than before.
Normally I'm not a big fan of deep, dark (in flavour) absinthes like this, regardless of technical correctness, but I'm finding a tremendous amount of enjoyment here. At times it seems almost like bread pudding with absinthe sauce, except all right there in the glass.