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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lectus arcu bibendum at varius. Ut porttitor leo a diam. Penatibus et magnis dis. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
The absinthe has almost no colour at all, very slight greenish tint. Reminds me of absinthes that have been coloured with grande wormwood. Clear but, well, too clear.
Light floral aroma with a lot of heat. Good bit of anise, a tad tart.
lThe louche is profoundly fast and thick, with a slight minty green tint. Flat and chalky. After water it smells primarily of peppermint and anise. Chalky after-dinner mint impression. Perhaps a hint of citrus.
The flavour is extremely lemony with just a bit of floral wormwood and decent anise. Bright and very numbing. Sweet and bitter sensations are balanced, but the overall flavour is completely one-dimensional citrus.
Chalky mouth-feel during the finish, which is medicinal and astringent in the place of having any herbal qualities at all. But at least it's very fleeting.
A strikeout. I'm not sure what the creator was even going for here but I can't imagine that this would fulfill any goal.
Color: Very light. Almost seems like a flawed blanche.
Louche: Very thick and turbulent louche, beginning immediately. Good layering. It almost seems artificially enhanced.
Aroma: all alcohol heat and anise. Quite unbalanced.
Flavor: Anise and some wormwood. Quite basic. A small twinge of unpleasant bitterness.
Finish: recedes quickly except for some peppery spiciness.
Overall: Entirely basic. They need to really review their coloration methods, as they have been found wanting. It really seemed like I was drinking a blanche.