Staroplzenecky Absinth
Wormwood Society ratings and reviews of Staroplzenecky Absinth.
Absinthe Chronicles – Teaser
An interesting and humorous introduction to absinthe. Live absinthe tastings, personality interviews, historical discussion and more.
WS Green Hour in Ocean City, MD – LIVE
WS Green Hour in Ocean City, MD – LIVE The Wormwood Society Green Hour is being broadcast live from Ocean City, Maryland, right now!
General misconceptions about the wormwood-flavoured spirit absinthe
General misconceptions about the wormwood-flavoured spirit absinthe “During our research on absinthe, we discovered that there is a general misunderstanding amongst the publi
La Fée Verte Made in Switzerland to Conquer the United States
La Fée Verte Made in Switzerland to Conquer the United States 8 October 2007 – 08:50 Légende photo: Following its reinstatement in Switzerland in 2005, absinthe the
Screening of Distilled Spirits for Thujone by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Thujone is a monoterpenoid ketone consisting of two isomers, alpha and beta, that exist in varying ratios in different plants. Plants such as cedar leaf, sage, tansy, thyme, rose
Harry’s Cocktail
Harry’s Cocktail 1/3 Gancia Italian Vermouth 2/3 gin 1 dash absinthe 2 sprigs of fresh mint Shake with ice. Strain into cocktail glass. Garnish with a stuffed olive. S
Wormwood Society on Wine Library TV
Wormwood Society on Wine Library TV Join our review editor, Brian Robinson and Wine Library’s Gary Vaynerchuk in tasting absinthe and separating myth from fact.
Sazerac Cocktail in the Wormwood Society Cocktail Menu.