Review Detail
4.4 9 0.5
Traditional Absinthe
What a delight!
(Updated: October 29, 2024)
Overall rating
Flavor / Mouthfeel
The absinthe is of an olivine colour, clear and without haze. Quite nice. It smells sweet and purfumey. Some licorice root aroma. Spicy with vanilla notes.
The louche is a tad thin, but good. Great colour, opalescent green with the faintest hint of yellow. Much more green than expected from seeing it neat. After water the aroma is candy-like but very herbal. Green tea, fennel. Very sweet.
It's much more absinthe-like in its flavour. Well balanced wormwood and anise. Sweet but not as much so as the aroma suggests. Licorice root flavour blends nicely. Some cinnamon perhaps? Good balance of colouring herb flavour with notes of fresh grass and citrus. Actually nearly ideal flavour, but bright instead of smooth. Very crisp.
The finish is anisey, with a slight bitterness emerging. Long and fruity.
This is fantastic. It's weird but it still tastes like absinthe, which is what too many "adventurous" absinthes fail to do.
The louche is a tad thin, but good. Great colour, opalescent green with the faintest hint of yellow. Much more green than expected from seeing it neat. After water the aroma is candy-like but very herbal. Green tea, fennel. Very sweet.
It's much more absinthe-like in its flavour. Well balanced wormwood and anise. Sweet but not as much so as the aroma suggests. Licorice root flavour blends nicely. Some cinnamon perhaps? Good balance of colouring herb flavour with notes of fresh grass and citrus. Actually nearly ideal flavour, but bright instead of smooth. Very crisp.
The finish is anisey, with a slight bitterness emerging. Long and fruity.
This is fantastic. It's weird but it still tastes like absinthe, which is what too many "adventurous" absinthes fail to do.