Review Detail

4.3 18 0.5
Le Diable Bleu Blue Night with Clandestine!
(Updated: August 05, 2009)
Overall rating
Flavor / Mouthfeel
As I'm writing this first review, I'm a bit excited. This night is a night of victory in revenge, there's music and chattering around me that makes me shake (at least, more thant normally) This is my first review, from my bi-mensual Clandestine and since I didn't tried other real absinthes (Pernod and Hill's doesn't count and I doesn't have the courage to retake them just for your reviews!) my comparison is very limited. I base myself a lot on your comments. But maybe I could rereview it when I'm more experienced. I also may be a bit rough since it's my new standard and my review is based on my current experience, as I'm sipping it. Anyway...

Color : All clear, no sediments... I suppose it's a 5, which is unfair for verte since there's more variety in them.. A white is always clear, and gets a 4-5, or is not, and get a 1! Maybe when louched you can see some details that I miss, but it's a nice white and the lights gives it some orange hue but it's the lights, so... A nice cloudy white!

Louche : Man, I did miss that part in a dumb way, by pouring to quickly my water in it. Maybe it was those damn hands, the excitation, or just the water jar they gave me... Anyway, it was a bit to quick so I'll give it a 3. But when fully louched, it is a nice, pale, milky white, with some transperency on the top. Very nice, with the lights...

Aroma : A lot of anise, makes me think of a pastis. When unlouched, it was a bit "spiky" (don't know if it's green or star anis but if it's the later it must be those star point getting at your nose!), but when you start louching it, the aroma develop slowly in a more floral scent. Cannot smell the details... A bit of alcohol, and something I have some difficulty to describe. Defnitiely flowery, I'll say!

Flavor : Taste like it smells but with a little amertume and a little crisp. Might be the wormwood. The fennel for the amertume? It's also creamy, in a way.

Finish : A little numbness, somewhat huggish, like the caress of a cruel women. A bit unpleasant, but saliva come in your mouth and you want to repeat. It lasts longly, hitting in the middle with some crispiness, then lowering itself on a more floral-I-don't-know-what note, with the amertume (fennel?) of the flavor.

Overall : I give it a 5 instead of a 4 because I assume to be to hard on her, ma belle bleue à moi, and because from what I saw, it's one of the best commercial brand of bleue.

P.S. : Was prepared with something like a 3.5 water, 2 little piece of sugar (equivalent of a cube) for 1 dose (30ml) of Clandestine. At a bar. In Mtl, Quebec... I will try it without sugar next time, it would surely farthers it away from pastis, since it's quite anisée. I like anis a lot, but I suppose to taste the subtilities it would be better to make it without sugar. Now the music is better, less loud, and my absinthe is nearly finished, I'm sad but happy at the same time, I don't want to finish it. Have to go but want another. To poor... The music is becoming louder, I should go away and leave with the souvenir of my bleue and of this night. Now.
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