Review Detail

4.4 12 0.5
My 2nd Jade
Overall rating
Flavor / Mouthfeel
This generously provided sample was prepared without sugar, and with a slow, icy drip.

Aroma pre-louche: Very sweet, candy-like smell. No real hint of anything else but anise here. Very mouthwatering. In the glass the almost sickly-sweet aroma broadens and becomes very delicate and more floral.

Color: In the glass, the Nouvelle Orleans is very light. There is no rich, peridot coloration or even olive color present. It is crystal clear, but lacking in impressiveness.

Louche: Very pretty louche. The watery trails move quickly as the billowy opalescence takes a long time to settle in. I imagined the louche would be thin for some reason, but this is not the case. It is thick and inviting. A clear demarcation between alcohol and the louched portion of the drink hangs around for some time, and the smell coming out of the glass is as sweet as it was when sniffed from the bottle. I can't help but think this absinthe will be very sweet. It finishes a very pale green.

Flavor: Right off the bat, not the flavor I was expecting due to its intensely sweet aroma. At first I was put off because to me this absinthe is not anise first and other flavors second, but a more woody flavored offering. There is a nice interaction between the wormwood and other herbs that round out the flavor and really casing me to wrack my brain trying to figure it out.

Overall: I think this absinthe is a challenge. Not in a bad way, just that it might not be a great absinthe for beginners. As with most of the higher quality absinthe I try, I don't know if sugar would be appropriate, at least for my palate. What on the first sip pushed me back I now find invites me further into this drink's mystery. Definitely good, but definitely not mundane. I like this absinthe quite a lot. Very different from the PF 1901.
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