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4.3 19 0.5
General tasting notes concerning Edouard cf. 1901
Overall rating
Flavor / Mouthfeel
Since there already is a wealth of information about this highly regarded product, I thought it more useful to highlight the distinct qualities of the Edouard in relation to its sister, the PF1901. Thus, a finicky buyer (like me) will hopefully be able to reach a conclusion as to the eternal question of which Jade to buy.

L'Espirit D'Edouard is at once strikingly similar to the PF1901, with the pronounced flavour of the same marc base readily apparent midway through the first sip. The colour is more greenish as opposed to the slightly paler 1901, a perfect hue that is in every way pleasing to the eye. Upon the addition of water, the absinthe louches at a moderate pace until the glass is half full, upon which clouds of opalescent green start to flocculate throughout at a tremendous pace. The result at 1:5 is a slightly verdant-grey and completely translucent.

Edouard hits harder than the 1901 in the palate, with immediate spicy notes battering the tastebuds, and then receding to a alpine cocktail of herbs which is harmoniously balanced with plenty of subtle flavours. The finish is primarily anise, and then traces of wormwood after the tongue dries. For a 72% ABV, the alcohol heat is almost unnoticeable, once again speaking volumes about the superior quality of the product. Unfortunately, I recall that the aftertaste does not linger for more than ten minutes, so in this regard the 1901 will probably be the more satisfying.

The final verdict is that the 1901 is probably more suitable as a summer digestif: floral, incredibly balanced and refreshing when taken very cold. Edouard will fare better, as I suspect, in the wintry months, with its potent herbacious and spicy notes perking the taster up. It must be reiterated that both of them are very close in their similarities (as opposed to other marques) and few individuals, other than the most discerning of absintheurs, will find that the slight difference warrants heavy consideration.
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