Review Detail

3.0 4 0.5
Certainly a different take on absinthe
(Updated: June 03, 2011)
Overall rating
Flavor / Mouthfeel
Sampled at 3:1, 4:1 and 4.5:1, where I found it most drinkable. No sugar.

Color: A very faint yellow hue. It is almost clear, and looks natural.

Louche: It develops quite quickly, and is fairly thick. At 4.5:1 however, it looked appropriate and pretty.

Aroma: Neat, it smells delicious; honey, pear, traces of anise and wormwood way in the back. It seemed more liqueur-like than absinthe to me. As water was added, it grew less and less sweet and fruity, becoming a bit medicinal. Still, it is a quality aroma, just not one I personally equate with absinthe. For this reason, I gave it a 3.

Flavor: I struggle here, as it is not bad tasting. It is in fact quite well-crafted, it simply isn't very much like absinthe to me. The medicinal edge comes from a menthol element that reminds me a bit of cough drops...tasty ones however. Still this threw me a bit. The trad elements of absinthe were harder to detect at the higher dilutions, where I found this more drinkable.

Finish: Quite a nice finish. Gently bitter, layered elements, a nice build and decay. Perhaps the highlight of this absinthe for me.

Overall: The aroma, flavor and finish work well together and meld nicely. It is certainly a well-crafted drink. For me however, it is too far off the track of what I enjoy in absinthe profiles. Some however, may really like this, perhaps due to the mead element.
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