Review Detail

4.0 8 0.5
Really Good Duplais for USA
(Updated: January 05, 2013)
Overall rating
Flavor / Mouthfeel
Color: a lovely natural medium emerald green.

Louche: Thick trails and jellies with a slow, steady build of smokey wisps from the bottom up. Clear thick layers vanishing right at the very end at 4:1. Were it a bit thinner and less opaque, I'd have given it a 5. Lovely shade of green.

Aroma: Mostly an inviting sweet anise and light herbal aroma, with a touch of alcohol prior to the louche. During the formation of the louche, it filled the room with the same character.

Flavor: I love this flavor. A nice strong, crisp wormwood followed by tasty anise and fennel. Delicious. Melissa and coriander let you know they are there with a bright citrus and light white pepper. Creamy mouthfeel. My only minor complaint is it has a bit of heat, and requires a bit more water than I typically use. I may have gone to 5 here but for the heat.

Finish: Wonderful finish. Long and lingering. The wormwood fades to anise and fennel, then the light citrus and powdery edges fade ever so nicely allowing one to savor between sips.

Overall: I am a sucker for Duplais absinthe. I LOVE it's more delicate sister "Balance", and elegant brother A.O. Spare, but am so glad to have found this Duplais offering that I can get right here in the USA. I like the stronger flavor profile a lot.
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