Review Detail

3.9 10 0.5
Wow!! Very tasty.
Overall rating
Flavor / Mouthfeel
I just opened my first bottle of Duplais Verte, and I must say I really enjoy it, my new favorite so far. I wasnt going to taste it at first I was going to let it vent a little if you will. I couldnt help myself, I have been wanting to taste this absinthe for a long time now, I just had to taste now.

Color pre louche: when I first popped the cork and saw the green on the cork my first thought was, wow this is going to be green(as in artificially helped) but in the Pontarlier glass is was a very nice Peridot green, nicest I have seen yet.

Post louche color: Very nice emerald green, what it should be.

Aroma: Pre louche the aroma was anise up front with some spicyness in the background, a few different scents comming from the glass. Durring the louche from a slow drip fountain, wormwood makes is appearance at about 1:1 as does maybe some corriander and fennel later on.

Flavor: I prefer my absinthe with a lot of wormwood flavor and this one does not disappoint. The wormwood used is very good quality. Wormwood seems up front with a sweet bittery finish, very nice. The only flaw is it seems thin on the mouth feel department.

Finish: A bit thin but sugar was used in this taste I hardly ever use sugar. Finishes very nice a bitter sweet finish.

Overall I really enjoy this absinthe, it would be a 4.5 if available on the scale has a lot of flavors, wormwood really stands out as does a nice sweetness.
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