Review Detail
2.9 5 0.5
Traditional Absinthe
Off the Beaten Path
(Updated: October 29, 2024)
Overall rating
Flavor / Mouthfeel
(Batch 29; no sugar)
COLOR: Clear & natural looking. This sample was not really red at all, just a very faint "coral" hue. I was hoping for a rosier tint.
LOUCHE: Swirls form quickly, turning the glass more pearl than pink at about a 3:1 water to absinthe ratio. Attractive.
AROMA: An initial sweetness common to many of the blanches I've tried, then turning more to citrus. Intriguing.
FLAVOR: Not a strong traditional anise/fennel presence; more of a slightly bitter-sweet citrus characteristic. Reminds me a bit of grapefruit. Pleasant, but a little more balance would make it more so.
FINISH: Crisp and dry, slightly numbing. Almost gin-like.
OVERALL: I would agree with the label notes that it is "tweaked". It's not your typical absinthe, but I found it refreshingly different. If you don't mind some experimentation with the traditional, a la St. George or Germain-Robin, you might enjoy this, as well.
I'll be reaching for this bottle again as a nice summer beverage.
COLOR: Clear & natural looking. This sample was not really red at all, just a very faint "coral" hue. I was hoping for a rosier tint.
LOUCHE: Swirls form quickly, turning the glass more pearl than pink at about a 3:1 water to absinthe ratio. Attractive.
AROMA: An initial sweetness common to many of the blanches I've tried, then turning more to citrus. Intriguing.
FLAVOR: Not a strong traditional anise/fennel presence; more of a slightly bitter-sweet citrus characteristic. Reminds me a bit of grapefruit. Pleasant, but a little more balance would make it more so.
FINISH: Crisp and dry, slightly numbing. Almost gin-like.
OVERALL: I would agree with the label notes that it is "tweaked". It's not your typical absinthe, but I found it refreshingly different. If you don't mind some experimentation with the traditional, a la St. George or Germain-Robin, you might enjoy this, as well.
I'll be reaching for this bottle again as a nice summer beverage.