Science Articles
These are some of the most relevant scientific documents relating to the study of absinthe. They range from the earliest papers written by absinthe's polemicists, such as Dr. Valentin Magnan, right up to the modern work of Dr. Dirk Lachenmeier and others.
It should be noted that some of the older papers contain mistaken calculations and erroneous conclusions, sometimes based on the findings of still earlier erroneous work. Most of these errors have been detailed and documented in the later pieces.
7 results - showing 1 - 7
Behaviour of thujone during distillation - Reviewed by Experts and Consumers at The Wormwood Society
Behaviour of thujone during distillation and possible concentration ranges in pre-...
A comprehensive look at the science behind thujone and its role in the absinthe ph...
7 results - showing 1 - 7