Review Detail

4.4 14 0.5
c'est l'heure, but the clockmaster needs a lesson
(Updated: March 02, 2009)
Overall rating
Flavor / Mouthfeel
The review of Belle Amie 2:

Have just finished the tasting of the new Belle Amie. First of all, apart from that cork issue, there is another problem both I and my Mum concluded that aroma is very, very alcoholic, it smells like moonshine at 82%, not an elegant absinthe at just 72%.

However, from the beginning:

The colour-not bad but not as beautiful as previously. Louche has been enhanced, possibly with badiane as I am detecting its characteristical note but for the style it is still very nice, slowly forming, gradual, getting denser and denser, drop by drop.

Water is the solution to the harsh aroma (surprisingly the first edition had had a much better aroma) and the bad wine alcohol-the crappiest of allbase gets lost in the herbs’ symphony.

And here I have to admit these are top-notch ones, very bold, strong, bitter, decisive wormwood (much less discrete than in the previous offering), nice pontica, hyssop, balanced coriander and pleasant elacampane.
Finish is long lingering, complex and just as the style requires.

You want the perfect Belle Amie?-take its herb-bill from the second offering, badiane can stay-it is not that obtrusive and it helps absinthe louche well without the risk of being over-watered. Take the base of the first, or do as the wise people do and use grain alcohol. The absinthe should be perfumey not stinky!

Once all this is made, the perfect Belle Amie is accomplished

The review of Belle Amie 1

Gently open the bottle, or unscrew the sample, whatever you have at hand:) and inhale the scent of Arcadia, it is really what the guys back in the heyday might have sipped.

Colour which is a perfect feuille morte, achieved thanks to recommended aging and only natural botanicals, of which veronica seems to be very prominent invites you to partake in the spirit of Belle Epoque. (5)

The louche is slowly forming and typical of de Nimes style so that you just have to sit back and relax while watching the mesmerizing oil trails which finish up being not too thin not to thick a glass of pearl opalescence with a nice, very tiny green tinge. 1:4 ratio seems to be enough. (4)

Once louched, the aromes or angelica, elecampane root and wormwood are filling the room and taking the first sip from the glass leaves a bold, decisive and strongly herbaceous sensation, anethole buddies are not the main players here and stay at the back, if could have their say that very moment. (4) (5)

The finish is sublime with long lingering coriander note that hurries the wormwoodiness. Here, wormwood needs little enhancement. (4)

Of all the absinthes that have been released in the recent time, that shall be considered the real extrait d'absinthe on par with Bazinet or Pernod, if not better. Chapeaux bas! (4)

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