Review Detail

4.2 5 0.5
Bland Authentique
(Updated: October 29, 2024)
Overall rating
Flavor / Mouthfeel
Not very exciting for such a lovely bottle and label. I like Pernot products and services very much but this absinthe really missed the mark with me though it does carry the hallmarks of a good absinthe. Spoiler Alert: I've come to realize that no two absintheurs seem to see the same absinthe alike and individual tastes can count for alot in rendering a review but personally I like an absinthe whose botanicals really stand out and sadly I found Authentique rather understated in that department.

Color wise a light peridot with yellow highlights and while adequate personally I prefer deeper natural hues of green. The louche was rather thin and color and louche reminded me of a past bottle of Mansinthe which though not bad in itself is not one of the better absinthes one can purchase.

Aroma: Not room-fillling, just there with a nice wormwood anise blend with perhaps a mintiness as well.

Flavor/Mouthfeel: As I said before everything just seems a bit understaed. While the wormwood comes forward a bit and is quite tasty it all just feels too light in my mouth. Overall rather thin. The flavor is good but nothing there that really stands out.

Finish: The finish and after taste was the best part which seems to say to me that it is almost memorable but somehow misses the mark as nothing stands out and with its own identity.

Overall: Something to build on is there but frankly I was glad when the bottle was empty so I could enjoy and think about something else. Ultimately the real test is whether I'd buy this one again and I'd have to say most assuredly not. That said, I'm always looking forward to future products from the Pernot distillery ( The Sauvage was great!) though Authentique was not up to my expectations.
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