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The Wormwood Society

Absinthe: The Rise, Fall and Resurrection of the Green Fairy

Absinthe Acquired

While the sale and importation of absinthe into the US is still prohibited by the FDA, it is successfully ordered online by many absintheurs from several reputable and reliable distributors.  Of course there is always a risk of seizure by customs, but this is fairly uncommon.  Absinthe is not scheduled by the DEA as a controlled substance, but is merely “prohibited merchandise,” similar to a turtle shell brought back from the Virgin Islands.  State laws vary about possession of spirits upon which taxes or duty have not been paid and the shipping of spirits in general.  Seizure from luggage at airports is not uncommon, but appears to be subject to the caprice and knowledge of the individual agent.  

Four distributors stand well out from the rest as carrying a superior line of products:

Absinthe Distribution,
Liqueurs de France,
The Frenchman,
Fine Spirits Corner,