Reviews written by Brian Robinson
First tasted, 12-26-18 - New Review 12-26-22 - Bought from Ulrich Hoss Appearance - beautiful emerald hue, no visible sediment ...
First release bottle - bought online from I believe. Reviewed 1-10-2023 Appearance - Olive Oil and straw. No visible sediment. Louche -...
Appearance - clear, clean, olive oil hue. No sediment. Louche - attractive with a nice build. Yellows and greens. Opaque but not quite opalescent. ...
Reviewed 12-26-22 - Bought from SAQ Appearance - Straw with hints of green; no sediment Louche - Nice green louche. Hints of white and yellow....
Reviewed 11/21/21 - Bought from Whisky Exchange (TikTok review also published) Appearance - fuille morte. No visible sediment. Aroma - gentiane, rooty, kind of 'muddy'....
Reviewed 9-27-22 - Bought from Absinthe-Dealer Appearance - Gorgeous peridot green. Bright and inviting. Louche - Wow! Very nice. Great opalescence with greens,...
Reviewed 12/2020 - Bought from SAQ Appearance - Clear, bright and inviting. No hues or sediment. Louche - very nice louche, fully formed at 2.5:1....
Reviewed 7-2-22 - Bought from Saar Appearance - clear and bright with a tinge of blue, no sediment Louche - opalescent and attractive Aroma...
Reviewed on 9/27/2022 - Bought from Absinthe-Dealer dot eu Appearance - Appealing fuille morte (a brownish shade due to chlorophyll breaking down), not visible sediment Louche...
<div>Initial Review - 4/30/21 (See TikTok video as well) Appearance - clear and bright, no visible sediment Louche - nice, quick build but ends slightly thin at 3:1. Could use...
Initial tasting - 12/21/22 Bought from Alandia. I tasted this absinthe both at 3:1 and 4:1. This absinthe is too delicate for 4:1. It kind...
Appearance: the good news is that the color is a good approximation of a true absinthe. The bad news is that it's artificially colored. ...
Appearance: clear and bright. No tint, no sediment. Very nice. The bottle is also understatedly classy. Louche: attractive build; fully louched at 2:1 with...
A lovely pink hue with slight amount of sediment, but that is not abnormal for a rouge. Louche: Wonderful colors of white and shades of pink. ...
Normally I get concerned when a brand markets itself as a 'low anise' style absinthe. I always warn people that there is no such thing as absinthe without anise,...
This being a modern incarnation, or US labelling, of Montmartre. I’ve always held a special place in my heart for Montmartre. It’s quirky and unique, and definitely makes...
Appearance: peridot green with first press olive oil hues. Bright and attractive. No sediment. Judiciously colored. Louche: The additional anise has really helped to improve the louche....
Appearance; clear, bright and natural. No visible sediment. Louche: Fully louched by 1:1 ratio. Attractive. Pink and white hues. Aroma: very...
Appearance: slight peridot hue. Very light coloration, but bright and attractive. No visible sediment. Louche: crazy thick. Lots of action before it even reaches...
Appearance: clear, bright and natural. No visible sediment. Louche: milky and slightly opalescent. Attractive. Aroma: less anise aroma than its La Belle...